Still working on the Great Seal

As the title says, I’m still working on the Great Seal of the United States.  I should have been done with this yesterday but too much going on to be able to concentrate on it.

My nephew rolled in to town on leave from Ft. Hood late last night and I spent the afternoon hanging out and talking with him.  I had plenty to do but I have my priorities right.

Right now the only thing left to do on the Seal is the banner.  I’m not fond of doing banners, that’s why it’s last, but this thing will be done tomorrow and I’ll be finishing up the project I stopped to work on the Seal.

I’m doing Army enlisted rank insignia, very simple stuff except for Specialist and Command Sergeant Major of the Army, both of which have Great Seals in them.  The seals that will be built in to those rank insignias will not have as much detail as the main one, but will be made from it.  Once all the Army rank is done it will go up for sale as a package at a reasonable price.  It will have all officer and enlisted ranks in the one package but individually saved and zipped, so a bunch of files.  Once I have that finished I’ll be doing Navy, Air Force, and Marine rank insignia as well.

Arrgghhh, Feathers!

Welcome to the blog.  I decided to set this up so I can show what I’m currently working on, and possibly just run off at the mouth (or fingers) occasionally.

So currently I’m working on the Great Seal of the United States.  I originally had no intention of making one of these since both and have very nice versions available, but I needed it for certain insignias and I can’t just buy it then re-sell it.  Everything I sell has to be my own creation, so since I have to make one anyway I decided to do a detailed one suitable for carving separately.

Like all the models I make, this is a large, fairly high relief model.  I do this in an effort to retain as much detail as possible when the model is shrunk to a size commonly used for carving, typically anywhere from 3 to 6 inches.

That’s a lot of feathers.  I still have plenty to do on it, but there’s only so much feather sculpting I can stand in one session.  I still need to do the legs and feet, the 13 arrows, the olive branch, the head with the banner.  That banner is going to be a problem, though, since I like to provide a flat version of the banner suitable for v-carving for those who want to carve a very small copy but don’t have micro bits that will get between the letters.  The problem is making it look right while still having a flat surface to v-carve after carving the 3d portion.

But at least it doesn’t have feathers.