3 models added

The crest for the USS Pinckney, the Navy Command at Sea pin, and the crest for the Joint Special Operations Task Force – Philippines are ready for download.  The current queue: National Guard emblem, the custom modeling job, Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare Specialist badge, USMC rifle and pistol marksmanship badges, Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell, Army diver badges.

jsotf-p a 1 jsotf-p b 1 jsotf-p c 1 pinckney a 1 pinckney b 1 pinckney c 1 command at sea a 1 command at sea b 1 command at sea c 1

Queue update

The current queue: National Guard emblem, the custom modeling job, Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare Specialist badge, USMC rifle and pistol marksmanship badges, Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell, Army diver badges.

New models added

I’ve added two new models, the US Army Ranger and Airborne tabs.  This request came in today and I was ready to model so I just knocked them out.  The USS Pinckney crest, Command at Sea pin,  and Joint Special Operations Task Force Philippines models are complete in style a and I’ll be completing the other 2 styles and uploading them tomorrow.  The Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell model is about half done but is back burnered for the moment.  So the current queue: a custom modeling job (already started), Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare Specialist Badge, USMC rifle and pistol marksmanship badges (4 are done), Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell (half done), Army diver badges.

airborne tab a 1 airborne tab b 1 airborne tab c 1 ranger a 1 ranger b 1 ranger c 1

Queue update

The current queue: USS Pinckney crest, Command at Sea pin, Joint Special Operations Task Force Philippines, Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell, Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare Specialist Badge, USMC rifle and pistol marksmanship badges (4 are done), Army diver badges.

Queue update

I just got a rush job for 3 models so those have been put at the head of the queue.  So the current queue: USS Pinckney crest, Command at Sea pin, Joint Special Operations Task Force Philippines, Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell, USMC rifle and pistol marksmanship badges (4 are done), Army diver badges.

New model added

The US Navy Aircrew Survival Equipmentman (PR) badge is now available.  I’m currently working on some custom modeling which is likely to take all the way to the deadline of 1/14 so any requests that come in between now and then will be started when that work is done.  The current queue is the custom work, USMC rifle and pistol marksmanship badges (4 are done), Army diver badges.

navy aircrew surv eq a 1 navy aircrew surv eq b 1 navy aircrew surv eq c 1