A note about contacting me

There are several ways of contacting me.  You can use the contact form on this site, you can email me at info@cncmilitaryemblems.com, you can leave a comment on this blog, and if all else fails you can reach me via pm on the Vectric forum or the Joes Hybrid forum at username cac67.  I will respond to any of these contact methods as soon as possible, generally within hours but no more than 48 hours.  If you don’t hear from me within 48 hours check your spam folder.  Adding my email address to your contact list will not necessarily keep my emails out of your spam filter.

The comments on this blog are moderated.  I see every comment that is posted and have to approve them before they’ll show up.   I have yet to approve any comments simply because none have been relevant yet.  I get 3 or 4 spam comments a day, usually just gibberish and a link for fake gucci bags, shoes, or something else completely unrelated to the topic.

2nd Engineer Battalion

The crest for the 2nd Engineer Battalion (USMC) is complete and available on the site.

There will be a slight delay in the 68th Airlift Squadron crest because it’s been brought to my attention that certain officer rank insignia in the Navy/Marine Corps rank is not correct.  It’s correct according to the chart at www.defense.gov/about/insignias/officers.aspx but my source was insistent.  So my next task will be to create new rank insignias for those ranks in question and add them to the zips I have on the server.

If you see anything wrong on my site please let me know either in the comments here, via the contact form or by email at info@cncmilitaryemblems.com.

12th Marine Regiment

The 12th Marine Regiment crest is completed and available for download.  Next up is the USAF 51st Logistics Support Squadron.  That shouldn’t take too long so I’ll be moving on to another Marine Corps crest then another Air Force crest.  I haven’t looked at the Marine Corps crests yet to pick the next one but I already know what I’m doing for the next Air Force crest.  Who could resist that mightiest of all fighting creatures, the pelican?

68th Airlift Squadron Crest

68th Airlift Squadron Crest showing the motto “Nullus Secundus” or “Second to None.”


Current progress

There isn’t much current progress.  I’ve completed the ship and I’m mostly done with the center emblem.  I’m currently working on the scroll work around it.  This kind of thing can take a lot of time if I don’t have a good hi-res picture, and in this case I doubt there is one with enough resolution to figure out what I’m seeing on the side scrolls.  I’m going to have to make something up that is close to what I’m seeing.  Sadly, at the size I expect these things to be cut the detail I’m putting in won’t be carveable, but I want to have it detailed enough to blow up for a sign.  Once I finish the scroll work the eagle is all that’s left to do.  I’m not getting much time on it, though.  I’ve only put in a few hours since my last update.  There’s a lot going on, and I can’t really justify putting other things off for something that no one has requested.

Marines are in the rotation!

Thanks to Dave Glasco, I’ve now got pictures of Marine Corps unit insignia, so they’ll be in the rotation.  So the current schedule is the crest for the USS John C. Stennis (aircraft carrier), then the crest for the 12th Marine Regt, then an as yet undetermined Air Force unit.

Usually I base my decisions on what to model next on deployments.  For instance, the John C. Stennis is currently deployed to the Persian gulf.  I get my “deployment intelligence” by googling for news stories about deployed units.  Sometimes, I use a different standard, like in the case of the 12th Marine Regt.  I was looking at pictures of crests and just liked the looks of this one.  It’s an attractive design and doesn’t have an eagle.  I’ve made 4 different eagles in the last two weeks and will be working on the 5th one shortly.  Gettin’ a little tired of eagles.  I’m doing it to myself, though, since only one of those eagles was by request.

Anyway, here’s what I have so far.  I’ve been working on the ship.  It’s kind of a weird angle.  There will be a lot of changes to what’s already there for the ship.  Once I have all the parts made I’ll be changing heights and blending them together to make it more cohesive.

16th Field Artillery Regt.

I’ve just uploaded the 16th Field Artillery Regiment crest to the site.  This completes the 2nd Brigade Combat Team of the 4th Infantry Division.  Next up will be the Military Police emblem.  No request, but I made a pistol for the Seal Trident so this is basically low hanging fruit.  I expect to have that up tomorrow, then I start rotating between Navy, Army, and Air Force units.

For the moment Marine Corps emblems will be by request only for the simple reason that I’m having trouble finding good pictures to work from.  The US Army Institute of Heraldry handles the emblems for the other services but the Marine Corps has their own group to handle their emblems.

So if you know where to find pictures of Marine Corps emblems please let me know in the comments.

Marine Corps rank is available

The USMC rank is completed, uploaded, and available on the site.  I’ve updated the combo pack to include Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force ranks, no change to the pricing.

Next up (barring a request) is the 16th Field Artillery Regiment which will complete the 4th ID 2nd Brigade Combat Team.