337th Aircraft Control Squadron is complete…

and I don’t like it.  I normally post my pictures on the site at an angle to show off the height of the model, but in this case what looks like a slightly demented wolf from the front looks like a head with legs from an angle.  Unfortunately the angle of the original artwork would have required me to have an unreasonable z height to make it look good from an angle, probably measured in feet!

So I did the best I could to make it look good from head on, and even that ended up at 5 inches of z.  I ended up shrinking it down to fit in my standard height for modelling a crest (3 inches z) and ended up with style a at 2.999 inches in height, mostly the wolf.  I really have my doubts that this will carve well at all and no chance it will carve right on a CarveWright.

Shrinking it cost a lot of detail on the wolf, and shrinking it any more will most likely not only render the wolf a featureless blob but also wash out the background detail.  And it will most likely need to be shrunk down since it’s almost 20″x18″x3″.

Bottom line, don’t buy this one if you don’t have to.  Seriously.

337 acs a 1 337 acs a 2337 acs a extra

New model added

The Purple Heart model is uploaded and available.  Next up, 206th Field Artillery Regiment, then back to the previously listed Air Force units.  Following that will likely be the Bronze and Silver Stars since the Purple heart is the only thing on the Medals page and it’s lookin’ a little skimpy.  Then back to Airborne and Air Assault badges.

Purple Heart a 1

Update on the Purple Heart

Quick progress report on the Purple Heart.  I’m mostly done with the bust of George Washington.  I’ve got most of the parts made, and the face is as done as it’s going to get.  I’ve still got to make a component for his hair and the hair ribbon, then adjust heights and blend things together.

I remember now why I hadn’t messed with a face for a couple of years.  I’m never satisfied.  In this case I think it looks more like Jean-Luc Picard than George Washington.

The picture on the left is from my other monitor.  Usually I crop these pictures down to just the model but in this case I decided to just leave the whole screen shot so you could see my reference picture.  I imported the same picture into Aspire for tracing, but you can’t see that when you’re sculpting so it helps to have a reference picture to work from.

Click it to see it:ph1

Purple Heart

There will be a delay in the list of models I posted in the previous entry.  I have received a second request for a Purple Heart, and since absolutely no one responded to my request for comments or the poll I put up on Military.com I’m going ahead with it.  I have started it but I haven’t done a human head in at least 2 years so this could take a while.

New Models added

The insignia models for the 7th Bomb Wing and the 7th Maintenance Group (of the 7th Bomb Wing) are ready for download.

Next up, the 7th Equipment Maintenance Squadron, then the 7th Munitions Squadron, then the 7th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron.  All of the 7th Bomb Wing.

Following those three will be Army Airborne wings followed by Army Air Assault wings.

7th bw a 2 7th bw b 2 7th bw c 2 7mg a 2 7mg b 2 7mg c 2

Next model is up

The US Army Combat Action Badge is up and ready for download.

I wanted to note on this one that while there is a design for second, third, and fourth awards I did not model them because they have never been authorized.  It can only be awarded to an individual once per conflict, and the current conflict it’s authorized for is the Global War on Terrorism.

cab a 2 cab b 2 cab c 2

New Model

The US Army Signal Corps emblem is complete and ready for download.  This model does not include carvewright files yet but I will update this post when I have them online.

Next up is the Combat Action Badge.

signal corps a 2signal corps b 2signal corps c 2