Four New Models

I’ve just uploaded the models for the Command Ashore, Command at Sea, OIC Ashore, and OIC at Sea badges, all USCG.  Up next, Army JAG pin, Army Ordnance Corps crest, USMC 9th Eng Supt Bn, Marine Corps Installations Pacific, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, USMC Combat Logistic Regiment 35, Headquarter Regt 3rd MLG, Logistics Branch, 1/228 Avn Regt., 22nd SAS Regt.

cg command ashore a 1 cg command ashore b 1 cg command ashore c 1 cg command at sea a 1 cg command at sea b 1 cg command at sea c 1 oic afloat a 1 oic afloat b 1 oic afloat c 1 cg oic ashore a 1 cg oic ashore b 1 cg oic ashore c 1

Queue update

The current queue: CG Command at Sea badge, CG Officer in Charge Ashore badge, CG Officer in Charge Afloat badge, CG Command Ashore badge, Army JAG pin, Army Ordnance Corps crest, USMC 9th Eng Supt Bn, Marine Corps Installations Pacific, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, USMC Combat Logistic Regiment 35, Headquarter Regt 3rd MLG, Logistics Branch, 1/228 Avn Regt., 22nd SAS Regt.

The first 4 listed should be done tonight.

USS Russell

I’ve just posted the models for the USS Russell crest.  Up next, CG Command at Sea badge, CG Officer in Charge Ashore badge, CG Officer in Charge Afloat badge, CG Command Ashore badge, Army JAG pin, USMC 9th Eng Supt Bn, Marine Corps Installations Pacific, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, USMC Combat Logistic Regiment 35, Headquarter Regt 3rd MLG, Logistics Branch, 1/228 Avn Regt.

uss russell a 1 uss russell b 1 uss russell c 1

Queue update

The current queue: USS Russell crest, CG Command at Sea badge, CG Officer in Charge Ashore badge, CG Officer in Charge Afloat badge, CG Command Ashore badge, Army JAG pin, USMC 9th Eng Supt Bn, Marine Corps Installations Pacific, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, USMC Combat Logistic Regiment 35, Headquarter Regt 3rd MLG, Logistics Branch, 1/228 Avn Regt.

Two New Models

I’ve added two more models from the queue, the Naval Parachutist badge from WWII and the First Class Petty Officer pin.  Still to come, USS Russell crest, CG Command at Sea badge, CG Officer in Charge Ashore badge, CG Officer in Charge Afloat badge, CG Command Ashore badge, Army JAG pin, USMC 9th Eng Supt Bn, Marine Corps Installations Pacific, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, USMC Combat Logistic Regiment 35, Headquarter Regt 3rd MLG.

po1c a 1 po1c b 1 po1c c 1 wwii navy para wings a 1 wwii navy para wings b 1 wwii navy para wings c 1

Five Models Added

I’ve uploaded 5 new models: Air National Guard, 214th Operations Support Sq, 214th Reconnaissance Sq, Master Civil Engineer Badge, and Cyberspace Support Badge.  There has been one addition to the queue since the last update, a rush job for a change of command ceremony so it is now third in the queue.  The current queue: Naval Parachutist badge, First Class Petty Officer pin, USS Russell crest, CG Command at Sea badge, CG Officer in Charge Ashore badge, CG Officer in Charge Afloat badge, CG Command Ashore badge, Army JAG pin, USMC 9th Eng Supt Bn, Marine Corps Installations Pacific, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, USMC Combat Logistic Regiment 35, Headquarter Regt 3rd MLG.

214th oss a 1 214th oss b 1 214th oss c 1 214th recon a 1 214th recon b 1 214th recon c 1 air guard a 1 air guard b 1 air guard c 1 cyberspace supt a 1 cyberspace supt b 1 cyberspace supt c 1 master civ eng a 1 master civ eng b 1 master civ eng c 1


Volume Discount

Some time back I set up a page on my sales portal that had all the models listed with radio buttons next to them to make it easy to buy in bulk.  I set it up so that any order of 6 or more would generate an automatic 10% discount.  That page was a tremendous PITA to maintain.  It literally accounted for more than half the time spent updating the site every time I added a model.  After about 6 months or so I went through the logs and found that, despite having added it by request, no one had ever been on that page.  So I dropped it, permanently.  It’s not coming back.  However, I recently had an inquiry about a discount for multiple models so I decided to bring that discount back as a coupon code.  There is a slight change to it, instead of needing 6 products in your cart you need $150 worth of products for the discount to apply, so that means combo packs will get you to the discount quicker.  This discount does not apply to custom modeling.

I’m not advertising this anywhere, I’m just announcing here on the blog and echoed on facebook and twitter.  There is no end date yet for this offer, I’ll announce here when it ends.  If you want to take advantage of this offer the coupon code is:     BULKRATE

Queue update

I mentioned before that I might re-shuffle the queue, and I have done so.  This should not cause anyone to get their model any later than they would have, shuffling like this will save me a great deal of time.

So the new queue order:  214th Operations Support Sq (completed, awaiting upload), Air National Guard (completed, awaiting upload), 214th Reconnaissance Sq (about half done), Master Civil Engineer badge, Cyberspace Support badge, Naval Parachutist badge, First Class Petty Officer pin, CG Command at Sea badge, CG Officer in Charge Ashore badge, CG Officer in Charge Afloat badge, CG Command Ashore badge, Army JAG pin, USMC 9th Eng Supt Bn, Marine Corps Installations Pacific, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, USMC Combat Logistic Regiment 35, Headquarter Regt 3rd MLG.

Most of this stuff won’t take very long.  Next update will be when I upload all the Air Force models.


Queue update

The current queue: custom modeling, 214th Recon Sq patch, Air National Guard patch, 214th Operations Support Sq patch,  older style Naval Parachutist badge, Master Civil Engineer Badge, First Class Petty Officer (Navy) collar pin, CG Command Ashore, Command at Sea, Officer in Charge Ashore, Officer in Charge Afloat, Army Jag Corps, 9th Eng Supt Bn, Marine Corps Installations Pacific, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, Combat Logistics Regiment 35, Headquarters Regt 3rd MLG, Cyberspace Support badge.

Queue update

I’ve had to do a little re-organization in order to meet some deadlines.  Marine Corps rifle and pistol marksmanship badges are no longer in the queue.  They’ll be added back in if someone requests them or if the pace of requests slows down to the point that I get caught up.  The same goes for the Army diver badges.

The current queue: custom modeling, custom modeling, 214th Recon Sq patch, Air National Guard patch, 214th Operations Support Sq patch,  older style Naval Parachutist badge, Master Civil Engineer Badge, First Class Petty Officer (Navy) collar pin, CG Command Ashore, Command at Sea, Officer in Charge Ashore, Officer in Charge Afloat, Army Jag Corps, 9th Eng Supt Bn, Marine Corps Installations Pacific, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, Combat Logistics Regiment 35, Headquarters Regt 3rd MLG.

This order is subject to change of course.  I need to do those two custom jobs in the next 10 days or so, frankly that’s a little tight for one of them.  Of the others, I may re-order the list by branch so that I’m doing all the Air Force, then Navy, then Coast Guard, then Army, then Marine Corps.   That would allow me to update those web pages in groups rather than updating the same page every few days.