New Model Added

I’ve just uploaded the USS Bunker Hill crest.  Up next, Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command Airborne, 8th Engineer Support Bn, 11th Airborne Div patch, HSC-4 patch, Navy Aviation Maintenance Administrationman (AZ) insignia.

uss_bunker_hill_a_1 uss_bunker_hill_b_1 uss_bunker_hill_c_1

Four Models Removed

I have removed 4 models from my site following a complaint that they were never official emblems.  After reviewing I found that, while they were worn on uniforms on duty during the Korean war they were never really authorized, and since the hard and fast rule of my site is that it has to be authorized to be on there they’re gone.  Combat Armor, Combat Cavalry, Combat Artillery, and Combat Engineer badges.  I will at some point be putting up another site to sell the stuff I make that doesn’t qualify for this site, such as the M4 carbine, M9 bayonette, etc. and I will put these up for sale on that site.

Carpal Tunnel

I mentioned before that I was having a carpal tunnel flare up so was stopping the modeling.  Obviously I’m back to modeling since I just uploaded a couple.  I’m still having a lot of pain in my arm and wrist so I’m modeling in short bursts and mostly using a track ball, only using the mouse when I have to.  I also have an upright mouse on order.  If that doesn’t do the trick I’ll be seeing a doctor about getting it fixed.

In the mean time feel free to request models but don’t look for a quick turn around.  If you have a short deadline you’ll need to find someone else to handle it.

Two New Models Added

I’ve just added the 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team patch and the Civil Engineer Readiness badge.  Up next, Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command Airborne, 8th Engineer Support Bn, 11th Airborne Div patch, and USS Bunker Hill crest.

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Modeling Pause

I’m going to take a break from modeling for a few days.  I’m having a carpal tunnel flare up so I’m going to try to minimize my mouse work and rest my wrist.  I’ll resume on Monday the 20th.

New Model Added

Medal of Honor (Navy) is now available.  Up next, 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team patch, USS Bunker Hill crest, Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command Airborne crest, USAF Civil Engineer Rreadiness badge, 8th Engineer Support Bn crest.  As usual, the ones in italics have deadlines and this order is subject to change.

moh_n_a_1 moh_n_b_1 moh_n_c_1

Four New Models Added

The models for the USAF Master Medic Badge, 174th Air Defense Artillery Bde crest and patch, and 503rd Military Police Bn crest are ready for download.  Still in the queue, Medal of Honor (Navy), 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team patch, Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command Airborne crest, USAF Civil Engineer Rreadiness badge, USS Bunker Hill crest, 8th Engineer Support Bn crest.  As usual, the ones in italics have deadlines and this order is subject to change.

174_ada_crest_a_1 174_ada_crest_b_1 174_ada_crest_c_1 174_ada_patch_a_1 174_ada_patch_b_1 174_ada_patch_c_1 503rd_mp_a_1 503rd_mp_b_1 503rd_mp_c_1 af_master_medic_a_1 af_master_medic_b_1 af_master_medic_c_1


Two New Models

I’ve just uploaded the US Army Special Operations Diver and Special Operations Diving Supervisor badges.  Up next, USAF Master Medic badge, 174th Air Defense Artillery Bde patch and crest, 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team patch, Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command Airborne emblem, USS Bunker Hill, Medal of Honor (Navy), USAF Civil Engineer Readiness badge.  As usual, items in italics have deadlines and this order is subject to change.

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Three New Models

I’ve just completed uploading US Army Chaplain and Chemical Corps branch insignias and Navy Surface Warfare Officer badge.  Up next, Spec Ops Diver and Diver Supervisor badges, USAF Master Medic badge, 174th Air Defense Artillery Bde patch and crest, 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team patch, Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command Airborne emblem, USS Bunker Hill, Medal of Honor (Navy).  As usual, items in italics have deadlines and this order is subject to change.

chaplain_corps_a_1 chaplain_corps_b_1 chaplain_corps_c_1 chemical_corps_a_1 chemical_corps_b_1 chemical_corps_c_1 surface_warfare_officer_a_1 surface_warfare_officer_b_1 surface_warfare_officer_c_1

Queue Update

The current queue: Army Chaplain Corps, Army Chemical Corps, Spec Ops Diver and Diver Supervisor badges, USAF Master Medic badge, 174th Air Defense Artillery Bde patch and crest, 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team patch, Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command Airborne emblem, USS Bunker Hill, Medal of Honor (Navy).  As usual, items in italics have deadlines and this order is subject to change.  New for this update, items in bold are not going to be bumped any more, they’ve been bumped too many times.