Queue update

The current queue:  Information Systems Technician (IT) (completed, waiting upload), EIDWS Warfare badge (about half done), Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare Specialist badge (about half done), CG Boat Force Operations badge, CG Marine Safety Officer badge, CG Rescue Swimmer, older style Naval Parachutist badge, Combat Diver badge, 214th Recon Sq patch, Air National Guard patch, 214th Operations Support Sq patch, custom modeling, Marine Corps rifle and pistol marksmanship badges, Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell, 6 Army Diver badges.

A note on the Marine Corps marksmanship badges.  When they were requested the person who requested them said they would be nice to have available on the site and would eventually be bought.  That’s plenty to get them into the queue but every new request that comes in ends up with a higher priority and they never get finished.  There they sit, untouched in months, 75% completed.  At this rate they’ll never get done so any new requests that come in without a specific near deadline will come after them in the queue.

Queue update

The current queue:  Information Systems Technician (IT) (completed, waiting upload), EIDWS Warfare badge (about half done), Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare Specialist badge (about half done), CG Boat Force Operations badge, CG Marine Safety Officer badge, CG Rescue Swimmer, older style Naval Parachutist badge, Combat Diver badge, 214th Recon Sq patch, Air National Guard patch, 214th Operations Support Sq patch, Marine Corps rifle and pistol marksmanship badges, Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell, 6 Army Diver badges.



Strategic Air Command Crest

The model for the Strategic Air Command crest is ready.  Up next, Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare Specialist, Boat Force Operations, Marine Safety Officer, Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer, Naval Parachutist badge (old style), Combat Diver, Marine Corps marksmanship badges, Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell, Army diver badges.

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Queue Update

The queue, as it currently stands: SAC Emblem, Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare Specialist, Boat Force Operations, Marine Safety Officer, Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer, Naval Parachutist badge (old style), Combat Diver, Marine Corps marksmanship badges, Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell, Army diver badges.

VFA-106 Patch

I’ve just added the models of the patch for VFA-106.  Up next, SAC emblem, Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare Specialist badge, USMC rifle and pistol marksmanship badges, Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell, Army diver badges.

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New Model

I’ve just uploaded the models for the US Navy Submarine Patrol pin.  This is a pin that has holes for stars to be mounted, so stars are included separately to be added in whatever is the appropriate number for your application.  One note, these stars are numbered 1 through 6 from right to left and are configured with proper height and angle to fit in those holes only.  You can probably swap a few around and may even be able to get away with going from left to right but they’ll look best going right to left.

The current queue is Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare Specialist badge, USMC rifle and pistol marksmanship badges, Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell, Army diver badges.

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USAF Master Enlisted Aircrew Badge

USAF Master Enlisted Aircrew badge is now available.  This request came in this morning and since it was just a matter of adding a star and wreath to an existing model I went ahead and knocked it out.  The queue remains a custom modeling job, Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare Specialist badge, USMC rifle and pistol marksmanship badges, Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell, Army diver badges.

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New model added

I’ve just uploaded the model for the Army Drill Instructor badge.  Up next, a custom modeling job, Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare Specialist badge, USMC rifle and pistol marksmanship badges, Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell, Army diver badges.

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National Guard Emblem

The National Guard emblem is ready for download.  I’ve gotten another priority request in so that’s moved to the head of the queue, which now stands at Army Drill Instructor badge, the custom modeling job, Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare Specialist badge, USMC rifle and pistol marksmanship badges, Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell, Army diver badges.

The server change is stuck at the moment, but will either be done by midnight tonight or won’t be done at all.

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