
So I’ve been to the eye doctor and hand surgeon, no good news from either. The edka knocked out my glucose control and of course I’m not able to use the same meds any more, so that’s what’s causing issues with my vision. The eye doctor wasn’t even able to get a stable prescription while I was there it was fluctuating so much. So I’ve got a new appointment in 3 months for that. Same basic issue with the hand, can’t cut with out of control glucose because it just won’t heal, so I got a steroid shot in the palm of my hand and I’m supposed to call when my glucose is better.

On the other hand, I’m about half way through the first model in the queue. Still need to make the lighthouse, quill, trident, and wreaths, and most of that is pretty simple. I’m doing a lot of leaning forward and squinting and it’s a lot slower but it’s going. So if you’re in the queue, I should be able to get you. I’ll be going back through my emails again and might re-order the queue a little bit to move up folks with deadlines approaching, but right now the only deadline I can think of off the top of my head is the second one in the queue and that one won’t be a problem to meet.

I’ll be posting a queue update later this evening.