I’m out of the hospital

Got brain fog and vision loss from this mess, still sleeping all day. They say the brain fog will last about 5 days or so but should clear on it’s own, for the vision they told me to ask my eye doctor. If you want to see what got me you can click here. And if you take an SGLT2 inhibitor you really should click it.

If you’ve got a model in the queue and you need it soon, you probably need to find another modeler. If you do, please let me know so I can remove it from the queue. If you’ve got time and want to wait, I’ll get back to it asap, but right now I can’t even see nodes so there isn’t much I can do about it. Eye doctor appt is in about a week.

If you’ve emailed me and you’re waiting for a reply, I’m sorry but I’m holding off until my mind is a little clearer before I clear the email backlog. But I will answer every email.