I’ve had a couple of reports from people using the Chrome browser that pictures aren’t showing up, kind of a big deal since you have to click the pictures to buy anything. It’s not my site, although it may be related to the page updates I did last weekend. Regardless, if you’re having trouble with the pictures loading, you need to clear cache and reload. Back in the good old days that was just holding Ctrl or Shift-Ctrl and hitting F5, but that’s not what I’m finding for Chrome now. This is the procedure I found for Chrome.
Go to my home page
Hit F12, that will open up a debugging window to one side. You won’t be using it, but it has to be open.
Left click the reload icon to reload my page.
Now right click that same reload icon, it will open a context menu, and select “Empty Cache and Hard Reload”. Doing it from the home page should do it for the whole site, but it might be necessary to do all this for each page that’s not working.