
The queue is now open again.  Not doing deadlines at this time, I found that to be extremely disruptive and the main reason I couldn’t keep up with the queue.  I’m taking requests but I’m not starting to work them yet, I’ve had a user report an error in the Eagle Globe and Anchor model that had to be corrected.  Unfortunately pretty much every Marine Corps DUI incorporates that model so I’ve got my work cut out for me to get everything fixed.  The Eagle Globe and Anchor model itself is already corrected, and the Marine Corps patch model will be corrected tonight.  Since I also have to email hundreds of customers this is going to end up being a long term project to get it all corrected.  I’ll likely work the corrections between models in the queue, right now planning to correct models in the order of size.  In other words a model with a tiny  Eagle Globe and Anchor will be corrected later than a model with a large Eagle Globe and Anchor model.  I’ve already got 17 in the queue and even though I just removed the queue closed text from the contact page my email has been blowing up for days.

So no reset, just going to have to muddle through.  Here’s the current queue.

Honor Guard Badge
Naval Special Warfare Group 10
410th Security Police Squadron Patch
USS Baya Crest
Royal Logistic Corps
Honorable Service Lapel Pin (Ruptured Duck)
Kings Bay Trident Refit Facility
USS South Dakota
USS Indiana
USS Virginia
USS Hyman G. Rickover
USS California
Naval Aircrew Systems PMA 202
Naval Air Systems Command
Colonel Eagle
106th Signal Bde Patch
106th Signal Bde DUI