The current queue: USMC 9th Eng Supt Bn (done, waiting for upload), Marine Corps Installations Pacific (80% done), 3rd Marine Logistics Group, USMC Combat Logistic Regiment 35, Headquarter Regt 3rd MLG, Logistics Branch, 1/228 Avn Regt., 22nd SAS Regt., custom modeling, P3 Flight Engineer Patch, P-8A Poseidon Patch, Helicopter Sea Combat Sq 3, SAR log, Communications and Electronics Branch (Canada), Cheif Warrant Officer (Canada), USCG Tactical Law Enforcement Badge, correction for USCG enlisted rank, Naval Aviator badge, Navy Armed Guard (WWII) logo.
The correction for the USCG enlisted rank involves replacing the current enlisted rank with the same type of enlisted rank as the other services, namely sleeve stripes rather than collar pins. I made all but the Coast Guard ranks at the same time, then months later the Coast Guard ranks. The chart I used for the Coast Guard ranks did not have the stripes, just the collar pins and since I was Army and never really got the hang of Coast Guard or Navy ranks I didn’t realize I was doing it differently. The collar pins will be available as regular models in all three styles. Those who have already purchased the USCG rank will receive the update at no charge. So if you’re thinking about buying it, it would behoove you to do so before the update.